Another, more obscure way to get necessary funds was via lobbying. Big enterprises along with private interests decided to invest financially to support the candidate’s campaign. In fact, According to a study by the Center for Responsive politics, a private organism assigned with surveying the candidates’ treasury, Barack Obama obtained more than 348 million dollars with primary donators like Microsoft and Google, and Mitt Romney, obtained almost 193 million dollars with the financial help of the Goldman &Sachs bank.
However, these numbers don’t take into account the fact that the “Super Pacs” were the biggest campaign innovation. The Super Pacs are a number of little groups of people or businesses that financed publicities, which most of the time, served to vilify the opposite candidate. In fact, these Super Pacs are the major reason why Mitt Romney succeeds in rivaling Barak Obama.
Only authorized since 2010, these Super Pacs were responsible for the 27% budget growth of the candidates’ campaigns. But what are these lobbies looking to achieve? They’re attempting to influence their candidates’ politics by reminding them just how much their contribution was useful. It is also necessary to precise that more than 6 billion dollars in total will be spent throughout this campaign, making financing and money an incredibly big factor to victory in the race to the White House.
In order to have a concrete example of the influence of these lobbies, people directly think of the lobbies for oil interests. But