It requires commitment, willpower and the strength to be able to maintain a high physical physique to keep up with many physical tests. For instance, the Initial Strength Test (IST) and Physical Fitness Test (PFT) are very similar to each other and both consist of pull-ups/flexed-arm hangs, completion of a minimum of forty four crunches in two minutes and a timed run. For the IST test, a mile and a half run must be completed within thirteen minutes for males and fifteen minutes for females; whereas the PFT test, requires a three mile run within twenty eight minutes for males and thirty one for females. Another one of the three tests is the Combat Fitness Test (CFT). According to the Marines website “How to Prepare” it states that the CTF is “a three hundred point test with an emphasis on functional fitness related to operational demands. Males and Females perform the same exercises, but are scored differently, and adjustments are also made for age”. The CTF consists of three tests: the movement to contact test which is an eight hundred eighty yard course that tests a person's endurance, the ammunition lift test where the person must lift a thirty pound ammunition can over their head as many times as possible, and the last test which is the maneuver under fire test a three hundred yard shuttle run that includes crawling, carrying, reloading ammunition, throwing grenades and agility
It requires commitment, willpower and the strength to be able to maintain a high physical physique to keep up with many physical tests. For instance, the Initial Strength Test (IST) and Physical Fitness Test (PFT) are very similar to each other and both consist of pull-ups/flexed-arm hangs, completion of a minimum of forty four crunches in two minutes and a timed run. For the IST test, a mile and a half run must be completed within thirteen minutes for males and fifteen minutes for females; whereas the PFT test, requires a three mile run within twenty eight minutes for males and thirty one for females. Another one of the three tests is the Combat Fitness Test (CFT). According to the Marines website “How to Prepare” it states that the CTF is “a three hundred point test with an emphasis on functional fitness related to operational demands. Males and Females perform the same exercises, but are scored differently, and adjustments are also made for age”. The CTF consists of three tests: the movement to contact test which is an eight hundred eighty yard course that tests a person's endurance, the ammunition lift test where the person must lift a thirty pound ammunition can over their head as many times as possible, and the last test which is the maneuver under fire test a three hundred yard shuttle run that includes crawling, carrying, reloading ammunition, throwing grenades and agility