I have added a drawing of a Bowflex machine due to its prominence in muscle building products. Bowflex commercials can be seen with some frequency on daytime television, thus I feel they have permeated
American society enough to be considered a product that can be recognized as Popism. Bowflex aims to connect masculinity, and more generally, attractiveness, in its commercials. They more or less attempt to sell their product as a way to increase your masculinity, through muscularity. This connects to the ideas of consumerism, materialism, and capitalism. To achieve masculinity, one must engage in consumerism and capitalism, to purchase such products that put masculinity in reach. One might question if purchasing a Bowflex is more efficient, in muscle building/toning and financially, than simply going to the gym, cardio and weights, etc. I would venture that there is some prestige, some pride that one can take in having an instrument to increase masculinity in their very home, having a physical object to own. Thus, I believe Bowflex also relates to materialism, as part of this masculine pride is in owning the physical object that is supposed to increase masculinity.