Michael Moore set out to film a movie called Bowling for Columbine he planned to find out the importance of gun …show more content…
He interviewed a Principal who had to stop and take a second because she could remember the day so vividly after time had passed. He also met with two boys that were survivors of the school shooting. As these two young boys were talking to Michael Moore they had told him that the bullets that were still lodged in their body from the shooting were bought at Kmart. That was when they had decided to take a drive many miles away to the headquarters of Kmart in hopes for them to stop selling these similar bullets. After many attempts of trying to talk to the head at this company, they eventually traveled to the local store to buy out the entire selection of the same bullets. They very next day they showed back up at the headquarters and handed them the bullets they bought. After a couple of hours, they had finally gotten some answers from the company. The company agreed to stop selling these similar bullets at all of their locations. With the two boys willing to keep fighting for what they want they were able to make such a horrific accident just a little bit