Discuss the two theories of language acquisition. Include in your answer the functions of language to human beings.
Davenport (1992) defines language as the system of spoken, written and signed symbols used by humans to communicate with each other. Its study is called the psycholinguistics including grammar. In simpler terms, one would state that language defines the system of communication used by humans. In children, language is acquired through a process of language acquisition. According to the Oxford Dictionary, language acquisition is defined as the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language , as well as to produce and use words and sentences to communicate. It involves the different ways in which infants and children are able to acquire their native language within a given time frame and setting. In cognitive psychology language is important because of its functions of communication and according to Santrock (2004); there are mainly two main views on the origins and development of language. These two perspectives emanate from the nature vs. nurture debate focused on the Empirical studies and nativist studies, namely : biological factors and the environmental factors of language acquisition. These theories include the behaviourist perspective by B.F Skinner who supports that language is acquired through operant conditioning or learning and the nativist theory by Noam Chomsky who purports that biological factors are better at
References: Davenport, G.C. (2004). Essential Psychology. London: Harper Collins Publishers. Hunt, R. R, Ellis, H.C. (2004). Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology. 7th Edition. New York: McGraw Hill. Santrock, J, W. (2004). Children. 8th Edition. New York: McGraw Hill Publishers Http://www.voices.yahoo.com Http://www.sparknotes.com>psychologyStudyGuides>languageandcognition Http://www.crescent.rale.kiz.wv.us/webpage/lif http:www.ehow.com http://www.preservearticles.com