Ankle Sprains
Though authoritative resources differ on the order in which they list the most common sports injuries, they agree that ankle sprains are among the top three. Web MD lists them in the number one spot, saying that sprains and …show more content…
Knee Problems
According to Fox News, knee injuries are the most common sports injury and are responsible for around 55 percent of sports injuries altogether. Though the general category of knee complaints is typically termed "runner's knee," it is not only runners who contend with the condition. Any sport that includes running and/or jumping can put enough strain on your knees to cause injury. Basketball, football and volleyball players commonly deal with knee injuries, but so do those who participate in seemingly low-impact sports such as cycling and swimming.
The Solution
No matter what order they list the most common sports injuries, the specialists all agree that prevention is key to avoiding them. Stretching your muscles before workouts and sports participation is vital, but so is building strong, healthy muscles that can handle the intensity of your athletics. Pace yourself, too. Don't push to attempt a level or intensity you are not ready