Now when responding to a crime scene an investigator or crime scene technician has to always be aware of the possibilities of being exposed to all forms of hazards. The most important hazards that they must be aware of is Bio-hazards, Chemical hazards, and Physical hazards. Now a hazard is considered to …show more content…
Some of the equipment an investigator must have is a blood collection kit, bloodstain pattern documentation kit, excavation kit; fingerprint kit, impression kit, and pattern print lifter kit, trace evidence collection kit and trajectory kit. All of these kits are used to collect all of the evidence needed to process the scene. Rather than have the investigator figure out what is needed for the scene these kit were created to help them get any form of evidence because each kit has everything they need in them to collect it. For example a blood collection kit has a bindle, coin envelops, disposable scalpels, distilled water, ethanol, evidence identifiers, latex gloves for protection and non-contamination, photographic ruler, presumptive chemicals, sterile gauze to help collect the blood if it is still wet, sterile swab for a small amount of blood that needs to be collected, and test tubes and test tube rack to place the swab or blood into for safe transport. All of these things were created to ensure evidence was not lost as well as contaminated during transport or at the scene before they arrived at the lab for further investigation. Although, there is this form of technology there are also new forms of technology being developed in order to avoid the risk of hazards as well as collection of evidence from the