Depression among older people
Depression among older adults is common in the aging process. There are many steps that thy can take in order to overcome the sign and Symptoms. Depression has an effect on the way they live their daily life style. There are also many causes that contribute on depression of older adults.
Depression makes it very …show more content…
difficult for the body to function. This is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. This requires a long-term treatment for then older adults because it affects them physically, emotionally, thoughts, and behavior. Insomina is a common syptom of depreesion and there are two types of insomnia primary and secondary.
1. Primary insomnia is when the individual is having sleep problems.
2. Secondary is when they have problem sleeping due to depression which is a health condition. Physically by lack of energy, loss of motivation, and chronic fatigue
Emotionally feeling sad, abanded, anxiety, and feeling unwanted/hopeless
Thoughts impaired memory, confusion, and thoughts of death
Behavior neglected, withdraw form others
Possible signs of depression and symptoms are as follows:
• Fatigue
• Sadness
• Weight loss/loss of appetite
• Losing interest in hobbies
• Loneliness/feelings of worthlessness
• Daytime sleepiness There are different form of depression such as minor depression, major depression, and Dysthymic disorder.
Minor depression is when the symptoms are less sever as compared to major depression is the symptoms are sever and they interfere with your ability to do daily activities. Dysthymic depression is depressive symptoms that actually last for two years or longer and is less sever than major depression.
The causes for depression
• Combinations of factors like brain chemistry, which is when they have different brain chemistry than those without the illness.
• Stress the lost of a spouse/partner or any situation that can trigger to depression.
• Genes older adults that suffer at young age are more at risk in developing depression and also if it is carried from a family history of depression. Older people usually suffer from restricted blood flow, which over time the vessels may stiffen and prevent blood flow from flowing to all organs especially the brain.
• Trauma is when at a young age the person is facing trauma and can affect them long term at an older age because the brain respond to fear and stress.
• Drug and alchol abuse if older people did it yound and still do that at an older age it effects them on having sever depression
Treatments of depression
Reaching out for help, going to a physician to help with this type of condition. Depression takes time and the doctor will be able to diagnosis the individual and be able to give proper treatment to eliminate the health condition that has a strong impact. The medication that is given is called antidepressants, which should work well with depression although they have their side affects.
Psychotherapy-treats depression it teaches new ways of behaving and thinking. Therapy helps because you’re able to vent about any problems that are causing your depression.
Electroconvulsive therapy- this treatment it more likely use for sever depression and can help the person improve.
Overall, it is recommended that older adults get early treatment on depression. Among the older age depression is a risk on suicide. Men over the age of 65 years old white male has the highest suicide rate. So, you should call your doctor if your feeling depressed and or call 911 for emotional emergency.