Esperanza’s life changed devastatingly and horribly the night right before her thirteenth birthday because that night, Alfonso and Miguel brought home Papa in the back of a wagon, deceased. Not long after, Esperanza’s uncle, Tio Luis, asked Mama if she would marry him because his brother was out of the picture. Thankfully, Mama said no. This made Tio Luis furious. He became so mad that he tried to kill the family by setting the house on fire.Sadly, he ended up burning the house and the ranch to ashes. …show more content…
When she became a fieldworker, Esperanza had to go to a Mexican fieldworker farm in California to work. Her whole family came except for her grandmother, Abuelita because she broke her ankle in the fire. Esperanza was heartbroken because she had never been separated so far from a Abuelita. At the farm Esperanza met a girl, who was very rude to her, named Marta who convinced other Mexicans to strike for better living arrangements. Mama became sick with Valley Fever after a dust storm and later came down with Pneumonia when she was admitted into the hospital.This scared Esperanza because she could have gotten her fired. After the moment her mother got sick, Esperanza decided that she need to be the money maker in the house so she could pay for Mama’s doctors and medicine. Esperanza experience so many feelings in such a short amount of time, that it was clear to her that she needed to become the la patrona-head of the