The Meaning of Happiness
What does it mean to be happy? It seems that this is another one of those questions that no one knows the answer to, yet I am determined to find it. So what is happiness? What is it that makes us feel that certain feeling that none of us can really put our finger on? Of course there’s the simple, boring response that any scientist can tell you. Happiness is an experience that we know happens when there are certain levels of different chemicals in our brains. These chemicals trigger a response somewhere in our nervous system, and we feel what we call “happy.” However, that still doesn’t answer us. Even if there’s no doubt that that’s what happens, that still doesn’t tell us why those chemicals are released or those signals are sent. There’s no cause. That only tells us what happens, but that’s still not enough.
“I never, indeed, wavered in the conviction that happiness is the test of all conduct, and the end of life.” John Stuart Mill, say because happiness is something everyone wants to have. You may be successful and have a lot of money, but without happiness it will be meaningless, but all at the end is nothing. Once you’re death you don’t feel nothing. Also, there’s many ways you can be happy, like, it could be a certain activity you enjoy, or a memory of some event in your life, or maybe even a specific person can be all the difference in your life. Anything can make you feel happiness. John Stuart Mill thought that who have their minds fixed on some object other than their own happiness; on the happiness of the others, on the improvement of mankind, even on some art or pursuit, followed not as a means, but as itself. The enjoyments of life are sufficient to make it a pleasant thing, when they are taken en passant, without being made a principal object. It seems to me that the purpose of our lives is to find those things that do make us happy, and then doing them. If there’s a certain person in our lives