Living in society, it is difficult to have your own individuality. As the people of society we are all under constant pressure to conform and behave a certain way. In the article “The Sociology of Leopard Man,” the author Logan Feys talks about the effects society can have on your individuality by defining and using the words conformist and nonconformist. The idea of acting the “right way” categorizes the people of society into two groups: conformists and nonconformists.Conformists are those whom are dependent on the opinions of others. As a result, they change their appearance, morals, or even sometimes feelings in order to be accepted by a group of people. In contrast, to be a nonconformist you are completely the opposite. You are not dependent on the approval of others, so you do things for your own satisfaction. Although these two classifications are different there is a thin line between them. No one wants to be seen as a follower, so some people try to show the world that they are a nonconformist. Feys claims,
”...most antisocial freaks, in their obsession with displaying their freakishness, are just as dependent on others’ opinions as approvalseeking socialites.” (Par.2) Those who try extremely hard to prove that they are not a conformist, in the long run end up being one.
They arp for society’s attention. Being a nonconformist or in other words a “freak” is one of the many things society looks down on. We as the people of our nation, fear the freaks and the loners of society, those who don’t seek the permission of others.
Fey argues, “Conformity can be seen as the world’s most common but dangerous psychological disorder.” (Par.6) In society everyone is obsessed with not being an outcast, or in other words,