Propaganda and how it influenced World war two and how it impacted racial discrimination between Americans and Japanese-Americans. Propaganda was used in many different ways that impacted the war. The propaganda affected Americans, and it also affected Japanese-Americans. The propaganda used in the war between Japanese and Americans not only support the war, it created an ethnic divide between Japanese and Americans
Many countries used propaganda against other countries to help their countries war efforts for example America did this to Japan during the war. America did this by ingraining fear into citizens that all Japanese were bad. America was filled with stereotypes. All …show more content…
Since Americans learned to be racist and believe stereotypes of Japanese people, Americans were mostly rude and discriminative towards Japanese. This effected Japanese by them having to be scared and or worried wherever they go and for them a lot of things were limited for them. Also the internment camps, it was initially meant for the safety of Americans but this was very very wrong to do to innocent children and adults. All together it was really down to the people and how they choose to act with it. “The stereotypes represented in the poster attacked the entire Japanese race by linking their physical attributes to animalism and unintelligence. Japanese Americans shared the same physical characteristics as the Japanese, so Americans began to inaccurately associate them with the enemy.(Miles)” Japanese-Americans were all generalized in the internment camps and all treated as prisoners at state. Mostly all due to wartime propaganda. They were impacted greatly on how they were treated in day to day life if they weren't in the camps.
In Japan, Japanese treated Americans bad too. Japans they didn't have internment camps for Americans during all this like the Americans. For the most part they tried to force allegiance to Japan. Like America, they did use racist propaganda and this impacted Japanese-Americans in Japan greatly. Although considering their wasn't much time between both World wars their wouldn't