Specifically, this paper will examine culture demolition, spread of diseases and population decreasing in countries around the world.
Many human beings have said technology had affected the cultures of all countries around the world. Historically people used to trade and sell goods, by shipping them, using water routes, but now technology is more advanced. For example, in marketing technology today it is more advanced in business jobs, technology helped poor countries in business to make them reach and buy goods from high quality markets. The information age has now developed technology that is helping countries politically to reach each other easily, instead of sending letters and messages, social media is playing a huge role in the Global Age. Countries are now more reachable then before, they can debate and talk politics to each other due to the information age. In 2010, 2011 disconnected Arab nations used technology only for special cases, after they topped most of the governments, the world started to realize how effective technology can be. Another reason why Global Age affected cultures of many nations, because of tablets, smartphones, Wi-Fi etc. People around the world are being socially effected by using smartphones as their daily