According to Ricketts (2009) in today’s world effective leadership and management is essential in order to archive success. Terms of leadership and management are being seen as synonyms and often used interchangeably. Some writers such as Zeleznik, Kotter think that there is no close relationship between leadership and management, while others persuade us that leadership is simply one of the characteristic of the manager. This essay will compare and evaluate different approaches to the subject.
Armstrong (2008) describes leadership as a process that focuses mostly developing, communicating and motivating. Further Armstrong indentifies three fundamental roles for leaders; defining the task, achieve the task and maintain effective relationship between themselves and group members. Moreover, Kanter (2004, as cited by Mullins 2007) states that leadership is not about leaders, but how they establish confidence of subordinates. Leaders must have followers, without them they would never reach their goals. Particularly in airline and airport management it vital, because they goals never change, customer experience is the most important for company. That is why line workers must be always confident and motivated by their leaders. According to Useem (2001, as cited by Mullins 2007) leadership is the most profitable, when the vision is strategic, the voice persuasive and the results appreciable. Leadership says Mullins (2007: 363) “is a relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or action of other people”. Leader in this indutry definitely must have strong interpersonal skills, having people coming for different ethnic and cultural
Bibliography: Mullins, L.J. (2008) Management and organisational behaviour. 8th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd Armstrong M. (2008) How to Manage People. 1st ed. London: Kogan Page Ltd McCrimmon M. (2006) Zaleznik and Kotter on Leadership. [online] Available from: [accessed on 15th November 2010) Bencivenga J. (2002) BNET website [online] Available from: <http://> [accessed on 15th November ] Ricketts G. K. (2009) Leadership vs. Management, University of Kentucky, issue 2. Wensveen J.G. (2007) Air Transportation, A Management Perspective: , 6th ed. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Available from: <> [Accessed on 15th November 2010) William W. McCartney, Constance R. Campbell. (2006) Leadership, management, and derailment; A model of individual success and failure [online] , Leadership & Organization Development Journal. Bradford: 2006. Vol. 27, Iss. 3, available from: <> [accessed on 24 November 2010) Eli Nana, Brad Jackson, Giles St J Burch (2010) Attributing leadership personality and effectiveness from the leader 's face: an exploratory study [online], Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Bradford: 2010. Vol. 31, Iss. 8, available from: <> [accessed on 24 November 2010) i