880 yards, lift a 30-pound ammunition can overhead from shoulder height repeatedly for two minutes, and perform a maneuver-under-fire event, which is a timed 300-yard shuttle run in which Marines are paired up by size and perform a series of combat-related tasks. These tasks are very hard on the body and require a lot of work to ready your body. Physical fitness is a very critical part in developing into a true marine. Another huge thing that defines marines is there mental sharpness and reaction time. Being a marine requires a huge amount of mental capability which goes for reactions, remembering orders, keeping sanity, and much more. “Today, our primary weapons systems are our people’s heads. You want to excel in all the physical areas, but the physical is just a prerequisite to be a Marine. Mental weakness is what actually screens you out.” Says Lieutenant Commander Mike H of executive officer of SEAL Team 10. You must be able to train your mind to ignore the feeling of pain and wanting to quit and always to keep pushing on. Training your brain might not be easy but it’s essential to be in the marines. Being able to pass crucial tests will help immensely when trying to get into the marines.
In order to be granted access into the marines you must take and pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. This is just one of the many tests recruiters must forgo to be granted access. The ASVAB test goes over Arithmetic Reasoning, Auto and Shop Information, Electronics Information, General Science, Mathematics Knowledge, Mechanical Comprehension, Paragraph Comprehension and Word Knowledge. The ABVAB Is just one of the many important tests that marines must endure. To qualify in the marines you must have very good physical skills, mental stability, and good test taking skills. The facts might be hard to believe but no one said the job would be easy. Being physically stable mentally sharp and being able to test well all work hand in hand and will always help you in not only becoming a marine but also in almost every other job. Being a marine is not simple easy work those are 3 things you must master to be able to fully hold the title of a