God is the source of the moral world as well as the physical world (Sire, 2009). He is represented best when I live out my convictions to righteousness and holiness rather than when I speak of them to others. Morality is the acknowledgement that there is absolute truth which dictates what is right and wrong. For me, the truth is based upon the word of God. I believe I have the responsibility of being transparent about my belief in absolute truth. This responsibility is displayed in the decorations I choose for my classroom. Specifically, the purpose of everything in the classroom environment is to cultivate character traits that would enhance our commitment to doing what is morally right. I also make it a point to acknowledge student’s actions that make the tough choice to create the reality they’ll live with at school (Brooks, 2015). When a student refuses to allow cheating, gossiping, or condones disrespectful behavior of another student toward a teacher, to name a few instances, I acknowledge their
God is the source of the moral world as well as the physical world (Sire, 2009). He is represented best when I live out my convictions to righteousness and holiness rather than when I speak of them to others. Morality is the acknowledgement that there is absolute truth which dictates what is right and wrong. For me, the truth is based upon the word of God. I believe I have the responsibility of being transparent about my belief in absolute truth. This responsibility is displayed in the decorations I choose for my classroom. Specifically, the purpose of everything in the classroom environment is to cultivate character traits that would enhance our commitment to doing what is morally right. I also make it a point to acknowledge student’s actions that make the tough choice to create the reality they’ll live with at school (Brooks, 2015). When a student refuses to allow cheating, gossiping, or condones disrespectful behavior of another student toward a teacher, to name a few instances, I acknowledge their