
Essay On Nazi Propaganda

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The Holocaust is a big part of our worlds history. Adolf Hitler the leadership in Germany in 1933. When he took over, he had the power over the German Militia. He hated Jews from the start. He blamed jews for the lose of World War 1. Death Camps were formed and mass murdering sites were made. Hitler showed how powerful he really was. When D-Day came into action, they found books. These books were about hatred to the Jews. They were called Propagandas. The Nazi Propaganda was a big part of Holocaust. It consisted of many books that were a disgrace to the Jewish religion and people.( Nazi Propaganda) Hitler used this method to make Germans hate Jews more than they did before. It targeted many people like Jews, Homosexuals, and the mentally challenged. This targeted many Germans hatred for them.

Hitler used this method to cover up mass murders and to make Germans dislike other people. ( Nazi Propaganda) Jews Hated this because they couldn’t walk around without a German judging them. The Propaganda that the nazis had, also had a leader. The Propaganda’s leader was known as “ The Nazi
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( Nazi Propaganda ) These films were made to make Germans dislike Jews and others even more. Hitler's main purpose of this was to get more supporters of killing Jews. ( Nazi Propaganda ) This was also considered the current version of the Jewish Hatred. It followed the Nazi seizure of power in europe in 1933. ( Nazi Propaganda) Hitler seized some of Russia and most of Europe. Then from there he began using the Nazi Propaganda to cover up most of the mass murder sites. ( Nazi Propaganda ) He must have did this so kids with friends that are Jews, won’t know what they are doing to the Jews. This probably would have made German parents very mad at Hitler, so Hitler must have decided to use the Propagandas as a way to make them think that it was a good thing he was mass murdering Jews, otherwise they would have overthrown the German

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