The incisions are made parallel to the Langer’s lines to allow the wound to heal properly and with less scarring. The Langer’s lines, also called cleavage lines, represent the natural orientation of collagen fibers beneath the skin. The use of these lines also minimizes tissue loss, thus reducing the need for amputation. For an effective wound closure, a vacuum-assisted closure device has been increasingly used. Vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) therapy places a sterile sponge within the wound, covers it with a drape, and connects the pump to the sponge. Several studies support the effectiveness of this method because of its ability to constantly clean the wound and limit potential
The incisions are made parallel to the Langer’s lines to allow the wound to heal properly and with less scarring. The Langer’s lines, also called cleavage lines, represent the natural orientation of collagen fibers beneath the skin. The use of these lines also minimizes tissue loss, thus reducing the need for amputation. For an effective wound closure, a vacuum-assisted closure device has been increasingly used. Vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) therapy places a sterile sponge within the wound, covers it with a drape, and connects the pump to the sponge. Several studies support the effectiveness of this method because of its ability to constantly clean the wound and limit potential