Before being able to go to any facility you have to have a chest x ray that is less than 90 days old to make sure you don’t have tuberculous. After you create a patient information packet you send it to the admissions coordinators at the local facilities. They usually give you a call back in 1-2 days with a bed offer or a decline. Once you get an approval from a facility you let the patient and their family know and if they are happy then you proceed onward. On Friday you call the hospitalist to let them know that the patient will be transferring to a facility. The doctor then completes a discharge summary and you create a new patient packet to send with the patient and fax to the facility prior to them discharging.
The discharge packet includes some of the same info as a referral packet but a more detailed medication review from the medical records system and the summary from the doctor. After you get all of that information together you call the facility and ask what time they can come. The facility gives you a time and then you call to schedule transport. A nursing home discharge is fairly easy because the most important part is making sure they have the information they need about the patient. I was a little nervous but very excited to complete this task by myself for the first