One of the hardest decision to make when looking for a new computer; a PC, or a Mac? There are many key differences, but are still similar. They both come in many variants: Laptops, Desktops, and even Servers. It is very important for the customer to make the right choice as these computers can be used for different tasks. Which is right for you?
Both, the PC and the Mac have a similar backbone. They both use a CPU, have RAM, and can often include a GPU. They both offer many great anti-malware programs to protect the computer from a dangerous virus. Both offer a customizable platform for all people, from a high class business owner, to the average homeowner. They both require a keyboard, a mouse, and a screen to be used. Despite the similarities, they are both very different.
A PC offers great price-per-performance components that make the PC much cheaper to acquire. PC’s offer many upgradeability options so they are never out of date. They run an operating system named “Windows” which is owned by microsoft. Since the PC offers better upgradeability options, it is recommended for gamers since their computers would never become obsolete. One of the best things about a PC is that you can …show more content…
The overall experience of a MAC would have to be its best trait over a PC. If your MAC were to have a problem, you could easily take it to the nearest Apple store and receive a free repair. Although a PC has better freedom, a MAC offers better security system. MAC’s are also recommended for people that use iPhones as they offer iCloud services such as iPhoto and iMessage on the MAC OS. This allows iPhone users to send/receive messages on their MAC’s which makes the OS X experience better. MAC’s excel when it comes to editing, the optimization from the editing software is much better on OS X than on Windows, which is why high end corporations prefer MAC’s for editing and business