
Essay On Personal Perception Of Organized Crime

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Personal Perception of Organized Crime
May 2, 2013

Personal Perception of Organized Crime
Crime concerns many Americans today; it has always been a major issue throughout history. The true definition of organized crime has been speculated upon for a century. There has been many U.S. investigations and governmental studies done in order to define organized crime. The United Kingdom has also examined what can be the appropriate definition. Once the definition of organized crime was figured out, it was then redefined. The term organized crime has been split into several ways to define and identify. The ultimate issue of understanding organized crime is not the word crime but the word organized.
Definition of organized crime When I think of organized crime I picture the Italian and Sicilian Mafioso of television. I define organized crime as a single criminal organization made up of criminals of Italian descent that breaks a political or moral principle. Lyman and Potter (2007) stated that there were many investigations and governmental studies that convinced members of law enforcement and the media that organized
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Many children that grow up in these areas may have parents around that work all day and night to have the bills paid, but the parents are not around to raise them and be their role model. This is what leads them to finding someone to become their role model and they just happen to find the wrong one (a drug dealer). These children end up finding the drug dealer with a lot of money and materialistic things that they do not have. This is what starts them out on the streak of being in the streets and becoming a criminal---an organized criminal that take part in organized

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