Pit bull is a common …show more content…
Pit bulls love to spread joy and happiness, and love seeing their family smile and happy. Dogs can sense any change in emotion much faster than humans can by using their sense of smell. Dogs seem to genuinely care about their owner's emotions and can listen and respond better than most humans (Skloot 1). Whether it is an adult or child, pit bulls just want to see the people that they love happy (Gladwell 1). Dogs love to give big wet slobbery kisses to everyone they meet. Puppies love to cuddle with their family in big cozy blankets. Canines are always happily wagging their tails, and are always ready to play with the …show more content…
Any dog of any breed can be aggressive, it just depends on how the owner trains the dog to act in a certain situation. Pit bulls are great at listening and can learn new commands very quickly. If the dog is trained to act a certain way during a situation, they will do as they are taught. The dog’s environment around them can also determine the canines behavior and the way that they act in a certain situation. If a dog has been raised in a bad environment, people cannot expect the dog to interact with others appropriately. Dogs are not like humans and cannot tell the difference between right and