They still do. (Rose, “Despite Laws And Lawsuits, Quota-Based Policing Lingers”). These targets that are set for police officers are only wreaking havoc because they are causing officers to make unnecessary arrests, and have led to the use unneeded force on innocent people. The effect of this is having more and more citizens being against the people very who are supposed to be coming to our aid in a time of crisis.
While many people view police brutality as a major problem in the United States, there is also another large group of people who don't see anything wrong with the way police officers are handling certain situations. 60% of people consider police brutality to be a dilemma, and 40% seem to think that there isn’t anything to be apprehensive about. (“Is Police Brutality A Problem?”). Some have made an argument that the media has been waging a war on police, and that coverage has been increased rather than actual fatalities. Many have rejected popular examples of police brutality as officers reacting within their rights. This is the more unpopular opinion. The “Black Lives Matter” group claims that all attacks from police are concentrated towards people of …show more content…
(“776 People Killed By Police So Far In 2015, 161 Of Them Unarmed”). Contrary to popular belief, police officers are not obligated to protect you. When it comes to deterring crime and defending against criminals, individuals are ultimately responsible for themselves and their loved ones. (Stevens, “Just Dial 911? The Myth Of Police Protection”) People in El Paso can attest to this. Just from observation, one can see that the slogan on the sides of police vehicles that once said “To Serve and to Protect”, no longer says so. Law enforcement officers have shown to abuse their power because of their title.
Because all peace officers simply have too much power, and because of the nebulous and vague language of the primary California “resistance offense” statutes, some police officers are bound to actually provoke innocents to protest their conduct, which often results in the beating of the protesting civilian; accompanied by the traditional false arrest for a “resistance offense”, and followed by the officer’s efforts to procure the malicious criminal prosecution of their victims. (“Why The Police Get Away With Violating Your