St. Lucia is being considered today as a developing country or a less-developed, country is a nation with a low living standard. Poverty in St. Lucia is caused by some primary factors; these factors include over population, the inability to meet high standards of living and cost of living, inadequate education opportunities, and inadequate employment. Due to its small size and relative lack of geological resources, its economy lies primarily on the scale of banana crops, and the income generated from tourism, with additional input from small-scale manufacturing. Over population is the situation of having large numbers of people with too few resources and too little space, it is closely associated with poverty. Over population is a result of high population density and low amounts of resources. A small developing country like St. Lucia is becoming highly populated with high birth rates and immigration. There are little or no available resources to satisfy the population’s needs and wants causing a country to seem poorer than it is. The inability to meet high standards of living and cost of living is a cause of poverty in St. Lucia. Persons in developed nations may have more wealth and resources than those in developing countries and their standard of living is also generally higher. People who have what would be considered adequate wealth and resources in developing countries like St. Lucia may be considered poor in developed countries like the United States of America. Study has shown that St. Lucia and a few other nations have been considered as developing countries because of their low standard of living. Inadequate education opportunities lead to a high level of poverty. Illiteracy and lack of education are common in poor countries simply because the financial needs which are needed to boost the literacy skills and educational opportunities of children are not always readily available. Governments
St. Lucia is being considered today as a developing country or a less-developed, country is a nation with a low living standard. Poverty in St. Lucia is caused by some primary factors; these factors include over population, the inability to meet high standards of living and cost of living, inadequate education opportunities, and inadequate employment. Due to its small size and relative lack of geological resources, its economy lies primarily on the scale of banana crops, and the income generated from tourism, with additional input from small-scale manufacturing. Over population is the situation of having large numbers of people with too few resources and too little space, it is closely associated with poverty. Over population is a result of high population density and low amounts of resources. A small developing country like St. Lucia is becoming highly populated with high birth rates and immigration. There are little or no available resources to satisfy the population’s needs and wants causing a country to seem poorer than it is. The inability to meet high standards of living and cost of living is a cause of poverty in St. Lucia. Persons in developed nations may have more wealth and resources than those in developing countries and their standard of living is also generally higher. People who have what would be considered adequate wealth and resources in developing countries like St. Lucia may be considered poor in developed countries like the United States of America. Study has shown that St. Lucia and a few other nations have been considered as developing countries because of their low standard of living. Inadequate education opportunities lead to a high level of poverty. Illiteracy and lack of education are common in poor countries simply because the financial needs which are needed to boost the literacy skills and educational opportunities of children are not always readily available. Governments