Sanctification consists of three parts: positional, progressive and ultimate sanctification. Positional sanctification happens when a believer is first saved, they become holy in God’s sight, a second chance, as 2 Corinthians 5:17 depicts. …show more content…
Peter speaks of suffering as sanctifying for believers, that they are being refined and made holy just as Christ, and suffering the same way. By living as Christ did and following the path he set before all believers is to be made holy. God didn’t send Jesus that Christians should continue living in sin, but as an intercessor for them, a new beginning, to turn and be …show more content…
Becoming holy or Christ-like should be everyday refinement for believers. Like the Corinthians, putting on the new self in Christ should be a life transformation, and believers today must learn to step out of the ways of the world – that only lead to death and destruction, and prepare themselves as holy, for all that the father has. It is imperative for the believer to be cleansed through the Holy Spirit and the word of God for the entering of God’s kingdom. “And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth.”