Having school debts is one reason it is so hard out here for a pimp. School debts can make you or break you. Student loans are hard to come by as well. Before people even get out of college, they are already in debt. It is hard to start a life or a future in debt that keeps piling up with interest. The US should abolish college tuition like they did slavery. Having debts is like being a slave to making money to pay them off. Debts are like shackles on your bank account. Last year around this time Germany abolished college tuition. According to BBC “Germany abolished college tuition for international students.” Abolishing college …show more content…
South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia all have affordable housing but low minimum wages. If Obama could launch an affordable housing act before he gets out of office, he could make a big difference before he leaves. According to HUD.GOV “A family with one full-time worker earning the minimum wage cannot afford the local fair-market rent for a two-bedroom apartment anywhere in the United States.” An affordable housing act will help those in need of shelter. Shelter is one of the top necessities of human survival. Humans need shelter to survive in this day and age. This act will save manifolds of people from poverty because many Americans are house