As we all know, Burqa is a loose, usually black or light blue robe that is worn by Muslim women, especially in Afghanistan, and that covers the body from head to toe. The burqa is not force by the Islamic holy bible, Koran. It only say that, women and men have to wear modestly in the public. Women, especially, cannot show their body to a man, other than their husband. This is written in the Koran. In Qur'an Sura Nur Chapter: The Light. Verse 31, "And say to the faithful women to lower their gazes, and to guard their private parts, and not to display their beauty except what is apparent of it, and to extend their headcoverings (khimars) to cover their bosoms (jaybs), and not to display their beauty except to their husbands.
As we all know, Australia is such a proud multicultural …show more content…
Why wouldn’t we tolerate the faithfulness to their religion and their modesty? If we ban the burqa it would appear as we attack the religious tolerance in Australia and the tradition. Why would we ban it, its their traditional clothes showing she is modest and loyal to her husband. Even some people in this country are wearing almost nothing. If we can tolerance the inappropriate clothes in our country why wouldn’t we tolerate the modesty of someone? In this country, according to 2006 census, only 1.7 percent are muslim and only a few of them have a tradition to wear burqa, especially Afghanistan and some middle eastern country. So, this much people are Muslim and only, i would say 10 % of them are wearing burqa. Even though some muslim women are freely to wear what they want, there are still some muslim women who chose to wear the burqa. And they are only a few people. We should not be copying other’s nation’s style and thought to ban the burqa. Mr Moselmane stated, 'There is no urgency required to expedite further divisions amongst our harmonious multicultural