Have you ever thought about what job you want to have when you’re older? There are many jobs, but what if you like small animals? The answer is simple; get a job that has to do with them. You might not realise it, but there are many jobs in this profession. Here is what you need to know about small animal science, how to get there with school, and some of the unlikely jobs there are. According to the cte Tennessee gov cite, small animal science is, ‘’An intermediate course in animal science and care for students interested in learning more about becoming a veterinarian, vet tech, vet assistant, or pursuing a variety of scientific, health, or agriculture professions.’’ The primary chosen groups …show more content…
Agriculture is a job where you run a successful farm, including feeding animals, raising them, and growing crops, while food nutrition is the study of food in small animals. Other jobs include small animal technician, research assistant, anatomic pathology technician, small animal product specialist, small animal research tech, small animal care specialist, small animal welfare specialist, and many more. In east Tennessee alone, there are over five-hundred jobs open, with openings like veterinarian technician, administrative support assistant, and more. These type of jobs will typically pull in about sixty thousand, three hundred and ninety dollars a year. It is estimated by the United States Department of labor that nearly two thousand, four hundred and thirty new jobs are needed in the United States right now, and one of those jobs could be your’s! To come to an end, small animal science is the study of small animals, it takes two years of special collage after school, and there are many jobs that include work with them. But remember, this isn’t the only specialty that includes animals. There are large animals, too. So next time you think about what job you want, consider small animal