Diagnosis: Mr. Hunt has a sprain in the outside ankle. I recommend he follow the suggested treatment if he wished to participate in the finals.
Treatment Already Completed: The coach escorted Leslie off the court. R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) has been completed successfully.
Suggested Treatment Short Term: I have recommended for Leslie to get a x-ray. This will make sure no structural damage has occurred in the ankle. If nothing comes up I urge him to continue R.I.C.E. The best form of icing the foot would be placing the ankle in a bucket of cold water. Leave in the water for a maximum of 20 minutes then compress the ankle with a crepe bandage. Ankle must be rested above the heart. So lying down on the floor or a coach with the ankle rested above will greatly help. Keep the bandage on and alternate ice treatment and elevation every 20 minutes 12-24 hours until swelling begins to disappear. Once the swelling has been controlled the next step of including hot water has to be fulfilled. Immerse the foot in hot water for 1 minute then change to cold water for 2 minutes. This process needs to be alternated for 20-30 minutes 3 times a day. Continue until obvious signs of swelling decrease this will be about 2-3 days. After the 72 hours or swelling has decreased use heat by itself. If swelling returns to the region he will need to revert to cold as well. Exercises commence 48 after injury. They must be kept within limits of pain and shouldn't be violent enough to cause swelling. Continual progress will be made until full weight can be place onto the ankle comfortably. Joint sense takes longer to heal than strength and mobility so balancing exercises should be carried out for several months for a full recovery. If swelling appears while doing exercises return back to I.C.E. and exercise more gently.