Television brings the eye and the ear together and thus makes the experiences concrete, real and immediate. A telecast provides real-life experiences and as a mass media of communication it serves as a means by which all shares a common experience. As in Television, the visual images appear on a small screen area, it provides a sort of visual verbal short-hand.
It is a versatile vehicle. Models, graphs, pictures, exhibits all can be introduced m the television programme through the tele viewer can only observe and not handle them. Kinescope, i.e., sight and sound recording can be made from the television screen. It is just like transcription from the radio.
Television transmission may lessen the work or function of the teacher but it is only to supplement the work of the teacher as it is only a one-way communication media. While radio is only an auditory device the television is an audio-visual contrivance to further facilitate the learning and teaching programme.
Television is now considered as the most powerful and exciting means of communication ever devised by man. In its working, television converts a living sense into an electronic image in the same way as original sound is converted into electronic audio signals in the radio broadcasting. This image like audio signals is sent through space. It is picked upon an antenna and translated into the original scene on the surface of a picture tube located in the television set.
For instructional purposes the successful placing of the status into orbit has now added some new dimensions. We can observe a number of programmes on our T.V. set on educational issues. T.V. may replace teachers in the 21st century, when man will create Television universities and Television