Eli wiesel having survived the holocaust was motivated to write about it, he wanted to give a meaning to his survival. Elie said in the novel “In retrospect I must confess I do not know, or no longer know what I wanted to achieve with my words.” (The Night Trilogy, Preface to the New Translation, Pg 6) In other words, elie didn’t write this book with the intention to get famous or rich upon it. He had no clue what he wanted to get out of it but what he did know is it wanted to write it. …show more content…
He and all who were victims of the Nazis suffered from fear, hunger, and thirst. He doesn’t want to leave the slightest chace of his past to become the future of the children today. Years ago writing books about the holocaust wasn’t something many writes had the heroism to do. When elie first wrote the book it was doing poorly despite the great reviews, the subject was found uninteresting. Later on the interest of the matter changed, Elie said “night has been received in ways that I never expected. Today students in high schools and colleges in the united states and elsewhere read it as a part of their curriculum.” (the night trilogy, preface to night, Pg