In Shakespeare’s play, “Romeo and Juliet,” fate had a huge role in shaping the storyline. Fate allowed for readers to see how each and every decision the character makes affects the outcome of the
story. When a character referenced fate, they usually referred to it as the stars. For example, the only reason Romeo decided to go to the party was because he let fate take control. He literally says, “.....but he (fate) that hath the steerage of my course, direct my sail. On, lusty gentlemen.” (Shakespeare, Act 1 Scene 4). This proves that Romeo is just letting fate control his decisions and actions. This was a key point in the play because had Romeo not gone to party (gone with his instincts), he could have avoided the entire mess that this story has become. This was one of the very first scenes, so there clearly was a lot of things that could have been avoided. Another example further on was when Friar Lawrence decided to marry the two lovers. Had Friar not married them, this entire story could have been avoided. If fate was not in control here, Friar’s idea that the marriage would end the feud could have worked. But, fate didn’t allow that to happen. Lastly, Capulet’s decision on making Paris marry Juliet also was fate driven. This set up Friar’s plan, which ultimately set up their death. Every decision made in this play was made because it was fate driven. It was almost as if fate acted as a character.