Dr. Wisniewski
October 18, 13
ISN’T IT GRAND? “Tough times do not last, tough people do”. This is a very familiar phrase amongst many, and it has proven to be true time and time again. In times of turmoil and hardships it is always those with strong character who take on the responsibility of navigating themselves, and those around them to smoother waters. Unfortunately, there exist a vast number of people who are quick to retreat, and let their cowardly and selfish side out when the going gets tough. Sure it is in everyone’s best interest to protect themselves and their families first. What about when their selfishness and lack of lucidity hinders a collective effort to make circumstances better? In Albert …show more content…
When faced with the plague, Grand displayed lucidity, courage, and hope. He had always been able to put others around him before himself for an ideal that was abstract. When people of Oran were scrambling to hide in their homes and avoid others, Grand welcomed people who needed help. It was Grand who saved Cottard from hanging himself. He saved an absolute stranger from death, even after that he volunteered to stay with Cottard and stabilize him mentally (Camus 9). Grand sticks his neck out for people whenever it is necessary, even if those people are undeserving of Grand’s help, such as were the majority of citizens in Oran. He displayed courage by risking his own life and faced the plague head on with Riuex and the sanitary squads. Grand never lost hope in regards to the plague. When people were dropping like flies left and right him and others kept up with sanitation efforts. If it was not for people like Grand, who stood up with courage and maintained hope through times that seemed impossible to deal with, we would not be where we are as a collective civilization today. If people gave up hope every time the going got tough, we would constantly be regressing as humans and failing to reach our capabilities to