University of North Alabama (UNA) has multiple admission requirements such as an ACT composite score of 18 in Unconditional Admission. ( For Conditional Admission there must be an ACT composite score of 16 or 17. ( UNA requires a GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale in the academic core of Unconditional Admission. The UNA requires a SAT score of 870 …show more content…
in Unconditional Admission, and a score of 770 in Conditional Admission in Critical Reading and Math. ( This institution has a moderately difficult acceptance rating, and a 57% rate of those who are accepted, which would be about 1,925 students. (Petersons’s).
University of North of Alabama (UNA) is a good college choice because of the location and tuition.
UNA has a four city area next the the Tennessee River, know as the Shoals, which are Florence, Tuscumbia, Muscle Shoals, and Sheffield. ( UNA has a 130 acre campus, with walking distance of restaurants and businesses. ( UNA has a tuition fee in-state of $7,620, and out-of-state tuition of $15,240. (Petersons’s). The full-time student fee for UNA is $1,888 and the room and board fee is $6,156. (Petersons’s).
The University of North Alabama (UNA) has no housing requirements. (Petersons’s). UNA has housing available for those who wish to have housing on campus. (Petersons’s). UNA has three housing options, female-only, male-only, or coed housing. (Petersons’s). UNA’s percentage of undergraduates who live in college owned housing is 26%. (Petersons’s.)
The University of North Alabama, (UNA) is a school of gold, gleaming, glorious lions and proud, purple, pride. UNA has plenty of interesting and quality majors to offer their students, and encouraging instructors to teach to those students. UNA is a beautiful area to attend college, especially with the two live lion mascots, Leo III and Una, next door to the President Ken Kitts of UNA’s home. UNA is a fair college to be accepted into and UNA is a fulfilling college and will make the students have a satisfying chance of a career
path. Works Cited
"University of North Alabama in Florence, Alabama." Petersons's. Nelnet. Web. 12 May 2016.
"University of North Alabama." University of North Alabama. Web. 12 May 2016.