Political Revolutions
1) Compare the causes of the French Revolution with the causes of Haitian Revolution
During 1789, the French Revolution occurred in France and in 1791, the Haitian Revolution in Haiti; the causes of both revolutions were similar and different. Both were inspired by Enlightment ideas or thoughts and were driven for equality to be given to all citizens. On the other hand, inequality was essentially defined by race in Haiti while class defined the French. Also, the French Revolution was sparked by a financial crisis and state while rumors of abolition of slavery sparked the Haitian Revolution.
Similarity 1
Inspired by Enlightment ideas or other revolutions.
One important Enlightment idea was from John Locke, that people had natural rights: life, liberty, and property that made both countries inspired with this principle
Jean-Jacques Rousseau stated that men were all equal causing the French to question the King and the slaves of their owners
The Enlightment ideas questioned the political and social authority, which spread globally.
These enlightenment ideas were so strong in the slaves and the French that it forced them to fight for what they believe in. They had to fight for their freedom because someone was taking it away from them
Similarity 2
Wanted equality for all of its people
While the bourgeoisie prospered, France’s peasants (80% of the population), its artisans, workers, and small shopkeepers, were suffering in the 1780s from economic depression caused by poor harvests
Haiti was influenced by the Petit Blancs (poor whites), who wanted citizenship for all whites making them question the social structure
Influenced by the idea of every men is equal and realizing that both countries had to fight back in order to establish these rights, they pursued to grant equality for every citizen
Before the Revolution, Haiti had