1. Consider the three candidates in Exhibit A below. If forced to make a decision tomorrow, which candidate should Alistair choose for the job? What major factors should determine his choice? 2. We are told nothing of the process that Trianon uses to recruit candidates for this level of final selection. Given what you know about the firm from the case, outline a general recruitment and selection process for Trianon. Describe how your proposed process fits with 'best' selection practices as well as the strategic needs of this company. 3. Should HR staff be involved in strategic decisions relating to international business operations such as finalizing a joint venture agreement?
The assignment must be submitted for assessment in both hard and soft copy as outlined below by Friday afternoon of week 7 by 7:00 p.m * Hard copies should be submitted in the normal manner * Soft copies must be submitted via Grade Centre in your MyRMIT
Feedback and marks for the assignment will be provided before the examination using the feedback sheet shown as a separate folder.
In summary the main areas for feedback and assessment are: * the extent of research undertaken * quality of arguments presented * style of expression and use of appropriate grammatical structure * Proper acknowledgement of all sources used in the assignment and referencing as outline under RMIT guidelines * overall clarity and