This assignment must be submitted online (Turn-it-in) and also in person (a hard copy). It is no longer possible to submit assessment via email (absolutely not acceptable).
Your assessment should be submitted electronically by 5.00 pm (Melbourne Time) on the due date (week-6.1).
Instructions on how to submit your assessment through MOODLE, can be viewed under the ‘Assessment' tab on the subject homepage. You will require your student email username and password to submit your assessment.
An assessment coversheet must be submitted with all forms of assessment. You must paste this cover sheet into your assessment (instructions are on the cover sheet).
Your submission must be in the form of one single file to be uploaded into the system. The file should be a Word Document (.doc or .docx). PDF files which have been created by scanning a printed copy of your assignment will not be accepted.
Late Assessment Submission
If a student feels they have a case to seek an extension for a late submission of work (medical circumstances, personal circumstances that can be documented), they should complete the Application for Special Consideration form (for assessment with weights of 20 percent or more) and provide this to their lecturer, together with the necessary evidence prior to the date that the assessment task is due.
If the extension is granted by the lecturer, the extension time granted must be adhered to. If the student does not submit the task by the extension date, the work will be deemed as being late.
Generally only one extension application and date will be approved per assessment task.
An assessment item accepted for submission after the assessment due date, and without an approved extension will be penalized. The standard penalty is the reduction of the mark allocated to the assessment item by 10% of the total mark applicable for the assessment item, for each day or part day that the item is late (a ‘day’