About 60 000 cars were damaged, with onethirdso badly damaged they were written off bythe insurance companies. The total cost of thehailstorm was $2000 million.
In thunderstorms, when warm air rises abovefreezing level, water droplets can freeze and fallas hail. However, the hailstorm that hit Sydneyin April 1999 was caused by a much morepowerful thunderstorm Ð known as a super cell.
The very strong updraft of air in a super-cellstorm keeps hailstones suspended inside thecloud for a much longer time than in regularstorms. The smaller hailstones join together andgrow before becoming too heavy and falling.
Development of a super-cell hailstormANATOMY OF A HAILSTORMStorm movementStrong updraft of 10±15 km/hlifts moist air into freezing zone.
Hailstonesleave theupdraft atspeeds of150 km/hand fall12 km toEarth.
Tropopause (top layer of atmosphere)Strong updrafts keep hailstonessuspended much longer than regularstorms, allowing the hail to gain size.
Hailstones rise and fall, getting biggeras they gather moisture and refreeze.
Suburbs from which car insurance claims were lodged withNRMA Insurance by 20 April 1999Stormtroopers cover SydneyArmy troops have been called in belatedly to help protect thehomes of Sydney's distressed residents from further damageafter the disastrous hailstorm. They will join the StateEmergency Service and relief workers from the Rural FireService and New South Wales Fire Brigade, almost doublingthe number of workers to 5000 over the weekend.
The premier conceded that his government may not haveacted quickly enough to help storm victims