MME student: Iuliia Kliushnyk
Impacts of the World Economic Crisis on Ukraine
Economic Policy dr Sebastian Jakubowski December 17, 2012 Wrocłow, Poland The Greece crisis is any event that is, or expected to lead to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting individuals, groups, communities or the whole society at once. A crisis is expected to bring negative changes in the security, economic, political, societal or environmental sector, especially when they occur abruptly, with little or no warning. [1] In XVII-XVIII centuries the concept "Crisis" began to be used in relations which were connected to the military, political crises. Nevertheless, almost not changed value of crisis taken from medicine was thus used. Overall, in XIX century this particular concept passed to economy. The "classical" economic concept of crisis created in mentioned period of time, means not a desirable and drama phase in the capitalist economic system and is characterized fluctuations and the negative phenomena, hindrances. The signs of crisis observed in the American financial system began to show up in the second half of 2008 and were directly reflected in many countries, where large-scale and measures of regulators for stabilizing situation were so unprecedented high that it gives any reason to question the principle of the efficiency of the American financial model of capitalism and its viability in the conditions of the global market. The irreplaceable damage was actually caused by the number of key basic issues of a financial system, and it, being not able to function in the previous form, was partially nationalized or has been put under the state control. It is widely discussed, that
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