Establishing goals is the first step in effective management. You need time to achieve goals, that is why you should organize your days so that you are spending your time on activities that will help you achieve your goals. You will find it easy to adapt with the situation when you using your time effectively and as it is will greater progress toward your goals. As you make progress in efforts to control time, you will want to set goals for the time you save, ( Mackenzie, 1990). Without goals, there is little or no meaning in work and life, and without meaning there can be only dissatisfaction and general unhappiness, (Glesson, 1994). A goal must be achievable if you can’t reach you goal, you will only frustrate yourself and may give up and destroy your motivation. You can choose to succeed or choose to fail but having goals makes the difference.
People sometimes get confuse between goals and priorities. Priorities therefore are objectives that have been ranked in order of importance,