1: Happiness is considered very important in life Why is it difficult to define What factors are important in achieving happiness.
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Man tries hard all his life for the only word “satisfaction” ,which gives happiness to him. Happiness is considered the most important thing in life because without it no person would be willing to workhard. Life is all hard work,it’s a puzzle game in which we try to be very clever and achieve what we are asked for.We spend whole life to achieve our goal ,as much as we work hard we feel satisfied.
Happiness is just a simple word but defining it is really difficult because for different persons meaning of it is different. Anatomically all human beings are same,we are considered as population of same type of animal, but our brain set up is made different.
There are many factors ,which are important for achieving happiness; we must talk about whole population,as we know money is the first and the most important thing, which satisfies man. For money man tries hard all his life, because whole this world runs with money.
Both nature and nurture are important. Nature of every person is different from every another person and we all people do not get same type of environment ,that`s why our mind set up is different from each other. Our passion and feelings for achieving something is different ,so we do not feel happy in things which other people feel.
Society and culture are other factors, which causes great problems for man. Sometimes cultural issues do not let you do what you wish. Freedom is important for happiness.
At the same time,Culture is sometimes considered important for a person who spends all his life in the same culture. Child which grows in a the same culture always loves to do same what his culture taught him.
Every person is unique in this world. Anatomically all humans are similar but talent wise, they are gifted with different qualities by God. Every person