Part 1. What is essential?
• Hinduism sees to put an origin for all things in the natural world. Everything must be treated with respect and seen as a part of ones self. It is observed that everything in the universe was created by Brahman, including himself. At the time of creation, Brahman emanated outward into the world and became the world. He became every rock, animal, river, and anything else we see. Stories of the creation and all the gods and events that follow, are passed down in the Puranas and the Vedas, through the scripture or sruti and smrti. Sruti is the scripture while smrti is the tradition. These are passed down with great precision as the Vedas. Furthermore, Purana is all the myths and legends of Hinduism that are widespread unlike the sruti and smrti. In the Hindu religion, there are three main gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the sustainer, and Shiva is the destroyer and regenerator. Brahma’s doings are done and world has already been created so he is not as worshipped, while Vishnu and Shiva are often seen with their consorts as there many avatars in the Puranas. These 3 main gods spread out to millions of different avatars while at the same time being all one. Since Brahman created the universe and is the universe at the same time, he is all of the gods together. Whom one chooses to worship whether is be Brahman or an avatar of any of the other gods, is completely up to the follower. Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu are seen as their avatars that further represent a different more specific aspect of their greater being. These avatars are then worshipped in ceremonies called puja where blessing are received. This includes prayer, offerings, and meditation to become in harmony with the gods.
What does it mean to be human?
• In the Hindu religion every living being has a soul and a position on the circle of life. After death the soul is