King: the Lord of Chester calls for help! Guards run and help the Lord of Chester. He is my friend!
Guard 1: Yes, yes Your Majesty!
Peter: My clothes… where are my clothes? I’m cold!
Puss in Boots 2: Oh, my poor Lord! Where are your clothes?
King: Guards, new clothes for the Lord of Chester. Hurry up!
Guard 2: Yes, Your Majesty!
Princess Lilly: Lord of Chester, are you Ok?
Peter: Yes. Thank you for your help!
King: This is my daughter, Princess Lilly.
Peter: How are you, Princess Lilly!
Princess Lilly: Very well, thank you, Lord of Chester!
Peter: Princess Lilly, you are very pretty!
Princess Lilly: Oh! Lord of Chester, you are a very nice man!
King: Please, come with us, Lord of Chester!
Scene 5
Narrator 6: Puss in Boots talks to some farmers.
Farmer 3: Who’s that man?
Farmer 4: It’s not a man! It’s a cat!
Farmer 3: A cat in boots?
Farmer 4: It is coming to us.
Farmer 3: What do you want?
Puss in Boots 2: Whose land is this?
Farmer 1: It’s the wizard’s.
Puss in Boots 2: No, it’s the land of the Lord of Chester now!
Farmer 2: the land of the Lord of Chester?
Puss in Boots 2: Yes! He is a very good man!
Farmers 3+4: Hooray! Hooray!
Narrator 6: The king talks to the farmers.
King: Good afternoon! Whose land is this?
Farmers 1+2: Good afternoon, Your Majesty. It’s the land of the Lord of Chester.
King : You are a rich man, Lord of Chester!
Peter: I’m very rich!
Scene 6
Narrator 7: The Puss in Boots runs to the castle. A bad wizard lives there…
Puss in Boots 3: On, two, three, four, open the door!
Wizard: The key is on