Creating an Ethics Program for Specialty Sports, Inc.
Thank you for joining Specialty Sports, Inc. (the Company). We believe that you have a special contribution to make to our organization, and that you will find your employment with us a rewarding learning experience. We believe that you will feel that your employment with us will be one that is mutually gratifying and beneficial. We think you will find your future at the Company to be full of new opportunities, challenges, learn experience, new friends and become part of a great family.
In any organization, it is important to have the written procedures, standard policies, and general rules of behavior to serve as the ground work for a great relationship. This Handbook will explain what is expected of each employee and what will be expected of you.
Code of Conduct
You should always be respectful, gracious, courtesy, and business professional in dealing with our clients and customers as part of our service. These same outlooks are expected in all business contacts, whether individuals encountered in the course of business or with other fellow employees. You are expected to keep all business dealings with our customers and vendors confidential. This information is considered to be highly confidential and of substantial value to the Company. This information consists of the Company’s trade secrets, and is being disclosed and provided to you solely for your use as long as you are employed by the Company.
The Company is dedicated to providing a threat free working environment and to protecting its employees from such threats on its premises. In keeping with this promise, we have formed a strict rule that bans any employee from engaging in acts that is intimidating, threatening or violent, while at work or on Company business. This rule applies to every employee, including non-supervisory staff and management. The Company has zero tolerance for violence of any kind. In addition,