Establish Communication with clients for Advice & Guidance
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|Explain how to create a safe and suitable environment for practitioners and clients | |Every organisation should have specific safety policies and plans tailored to their business and work environment, depending on| |what type of safety issues are relevant. By training all employees thoroughly in the safety policies, the organisation can | |ensure that an environment or situation is safe for all. Additionally, seeking the involvement of staff in drawing up plans or | |adding to them is an excellent way to obtain “buy in” and maintain compliance. | |When practitioners meet clients for the first time it should be their responsibility to clarify the clients’ expectations and | |understanding of the service and its safety policies, and reassure the clients how the confidentiality of the information being| |shared will be kept, or what the limits of the confidentiality are. If clients feel secure and safe in the environment it is | |much more likely that they will feel at ease and this can be crucial to achieving progress and the desired outcome of any | |meeting. | |The most suitable environment is one that is calm, without intrusion or interruption and appropriate for the discussion taking | |place. In a group situation, creating ground rules or boundary setting, however informal, is instrumental in making a setting | |comfortable for all. Involving all participants in this process is less dictatorial and will help to ensure conformity. | | | |