Professor Tom Collins
Ethics and Morality Essay
The similarities and differences between ethical theories are based on the explanation of ethical principles from the views of an individual. There are three major ethical theories: virtue ethics, deontology, and utilitarianism ethics. Ethics is the beliefs of right and wrong in human action (Boylan, 2009). There are many theories that exist on how people come to believe what is the right and wrong decision.
Virtue ethics judges by the character of a person instead of the action deviate from normal behavior. “…virtue ethics takes the long look at one’s character and is somewhat forgiving of an occasional slipup that is not in consonance with …show more content…
Virtue ethics is based on the person moral characteristics rather than the actions. Utilitarianism goes by the consequences of actions for the overall right or wrong, not intent of the person. Utilitarianism uses the pleasure principle that “pleasure is a clearly identifiable end to which all humans strive” (Boylan, 2009, p.155). This principle can result in pleasure pain or neither. Deontology moral theory focuses on independent moral duties or rules. Action is recommended based on the principle of deontology. “Principle is justified through an understanding of the structure of action, the nature of reason, and the operation of the wall” (Boylan, 2009, p.171). The decisions, duties and rules of the deontological system determined by God. These theories all cater to ethics in their own way. They all have different qualities that stress the reason why certain actions are …show more content…
Parents, family members and friends influence our thoughts and beliefs for better. As we develop our values and ethics it is through past experiences whether it is positive or negative experiences that help mold us as adults. I developed ethics and values when I was young. I was taught to know right from wrong at a young age. I was punished if I lied or did something wrong and both parents has high standards and morals that they wanted me to abide by. They taught me that cheating, stealing and lying would not be tolerated. I would be held responsible if I did any of these unethical behaviors. They taught me to be truthful, humble, and treat others how you wanted to be