Patrick Reagan
November 5, 2012
Jack Killough
Theories of ethics
Ethics refers to reasonable standards of right and wrong that advise what humans should to do regarding benefits to society, obligations, fairness, or specific virtues (Velasquez, Andre, & Shanks, 2010). Utilitarianism, virtue, and deontological are three ethical theories that deal with individual beliefs and actions. Each person possesses ethics and morals but may not know what they are or how they are used in certain situations. Comparing the three theories will help understand where ethics stand in an individual’s life.
Utilitarianism is an action which is morally right producing an effect benefiting the group. Individual beliefs …show more content…
and concerns are set aside and the outcome is based on the group. Ttwo types of Utilitarianism are act and rule utilitarianism. Rule utilitarianism measures the amount of good a specific action does. Act utilitarianism does not critic the value of an action instead the actions are moral when they benefit the most people ((Boylan, 2009). A team sport is a good example of utilitarianism. Virtue ethics looks at the moral character of an individual and striving to be as good as an individual can be. Virtues like generosity, unselfishness, and honesty will define a person and his or her character. Deontology refers to duty and the action that must be performed. Obligations will fall in this category. The military will fall under this category.
Comparisons of similarities and differences The similarities between the theories characterize the good in people, the pursuit for excellence, and acceptable good.
The result of a situation or dilemma is through sound ethical and moral decisions. The differences between the three theories are virtue is an individual assessment, utilitarianism is for the group, and deontology is the duty of the individual or group. Virtue and the goal of achieving the best can cause an individual to question morals and ethics. Cheating to be the best is not moral or ethical. Knowing 100% is put forth toward a goal will bring out the positive characteristics of an individual. Utilitarianism refers to ethical and morality issues by focusing on the overall balance of good over bad consequences of the group. A corporation that reduces medical benefits of the employees to increase corporate bonuses is unethical. A police officer pulls a car over and a fellow officer is driving while intoxicated. The deontology theory would require the officer to arrest the friend because of duty and obligation to the …show more content…
Personal example The core values and guidelines of the Army is an example of Utilitarianism.
Individual actions are to support the goal of protecting the United States as a whole. A soldier who qualifies as an expert with the M-4 rifle is an example of virtue theory. The excellence of this soldier will increase the effectiveness of the team or company similar to utilitarianism. Obeying a direct order is part of the foundation of the Army. Shooting to kill in combat can go against an individual’s morals and ethics but deontology states duty is the primary factor regardless of individual belief.
Morals and ethics is part of a person’s life. The more one understands the different factors and theories of ethics and morality the easier it is to conduct them accordingly. Utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue have similarities and differences but are necessary to know when self-evaluation is done. Living an ethical life will provide more satisfaction in personal and professional
Boylan, M. (2009). BASIC ETHICS (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Velasquez, M., Andre, C., & Shanks, T. (2010, Fall). What is Ethics?. Marcula Center for Applied Ethics, (2), .Retrieved from