Methanol is a primary alcohol because it is bonded with one alkyl group, so it means that it can be oxidized to either aldehydes or carboxylic acids, depending on the reaction condition, but in this reaction formaldehyde is formed which is an aldehyde. The reaction (see Figure 2) forms an aldehyde because the used an excess of the alcohol, this means that there is not enough oxidizing agent present.
CH3OH + [O] ==> HCHO + H2O
Figure 2
Dehydration occurs in methanol when combining two molecules by removing water. The reaction below shows that methanol is reacting with Dimethyl Sulfate to remove water from the two molecules.
2 CH3OH + H2SO4 ==> (CH3)2SO4 + H2O
This reaction occurs when a hydrogen atom is replaced by a different functional group. In this reaction in shows that methanol is reacting with sodium and forms a sodium methoxide and a hydrogen because the functional group is replaced by another functional group.
2 CH3OH + 2 Na ==> 2CH3ONa + H2