Creating collaborative relationships between healthcare providers is essential for the APN (Hamric, 2014). These relationships create better patient care and decrease the overall costs of healthcare by decreasing duplication of services. Hamric (2014) writes, “Patients assume that their health care providers communicate and collaborate effectively: thus, patient dissatisfaction with care, unsatisfactory clinical outcomes, and clinical frustrations can often be traced to a failure to collaborate with other members of the health care team” (p. 299). Collaborating with her specialists such as her dietician, will allow the APN to recognize times the patient may be having difficulties and can reach out to the patient for guidance and coaching. Collaborating with the patient’s bariatric specialist pre and post-op will ensure the patient is being followed appropriately and any health concerns will be taken care of. To ensure she is receiving consistent health care collaborating with the other providers within the same office would be beneficial for this patient. …show more content…
Ethical Decision making
With the advancement of medical technology, new surgeries and medications are created every year that will extend the lives of patients.
However, the ethical issue must be addressed: just because a procedure is available should it be utilized? Many medications and surgeries have serious side effects or consequences and it can be questioned whether the benefits out way the risks. The American Nurses Association lists the ethical principles of medicine and nursing as autonomy, beneficence,