Since recently there was a serious issue of ethics transgression, my primary challenge will be to understand the mismatching between companies strategy and it’s corporate culture; and to find solutions and alternatives to change it. I expect following primary challenges: first, Identifying the situation where ethical decision-making takes place, and second, creating base of ethical and effective corporate culture – mission, vision and values of the company, which are consistent with its business strategy or are appropriate to improve it. Third challenge (the most difficult) is to match it with stakeholder’s interests by proving the connection between profitability and ethics.
Being a CREO my goals are:
1. To create system which will protect company from legal violations,
2. To create system where it is not necessary to control ethical behavior of employees, since they will make the ethical decisions every time,
3. To match ethical background with local traditions and core human values,
4. To satisfy both external stakeholders and employees,
5. To find solution which will allow all members to follow ethics voluntarily: create rewarding system, based on employees motivation; inspire them by high-level values;
6. To make company to create additional value: as social activity, Protection of the environment;
7. To make HR to hire those employees who fits the corporate ethics culture.
To achieve those goals I need:
1. To achieve agreement with Stakeholders in order to implement ethical vision and mission of the company,
2. To create general documents,
3. To create